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Voluum S2S Tracking Set Up with Taboola: How to Track Conversions?

Voluum S2S Tracking Set Up with Taboola

Voluum is an ad-tracking software that allows you to track and analyze the performance of your online advertising campaigns. To track conversions from Taboola on your search arbitrage site without pasting any tracking code, you can use Voluum’s server-to-server (S2S) tracking feature.

Here is an example of how S2S tracking works with Taboola and Voluum:

  1. Sign up for a Voluum account and create a new campaign. Make sure to select “Taboola” as your traffic source.
  2. In the “Offers” tab, add the offer you want to track by clicking on “Add Offer”. Enter the offer details and select “S2S postback URL” as the conversion tracking method.
  3. In a separate tab, log in to your Taboola account and navigate to the “Conversion” section. Click on “New Conversion”.
  4. Enter the conversion details, including the conversion name and postback URL. The postback URL should be the S2S postback URL provided by Voluum.
  5. Click “Save” to create the conversion.
  6. Go back to Voluum and copy the “Global Postback URL” from the “Offers” tab.
  7. Paste the Global Postback URL into the “Conversion Tracking URL” field in your Taboola campaign settings.
  8. Launch your campaign and start driving traffic to your search arbitrage site. Voluum will track your conversions and send the data to Taboola via the S2S postback URL.

To set up Voluum and Taboola, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign up for a Voluum account

  • Go to voluum.com and sign up for an account. Once you’ve created an account, you will be taken to the Voluum dashboard.

Step 2: Create a new campaign

  • Click on “New Campaign” to create a new campaign. Select “Taboola” as your traffic source.

Step 3: Set up your campaign details

  • Enter your campaign details, including your campaign name, landing page URL, and target audience.

Step 4: Add an offer

  • Click on the “Offers” tab and click “Add Offer”. Enter the offer details and select “S2S postback URL” as the conversion tracking method.

Step 5: Create a conversion in Taboola

  • Log in to your Taboola account and navigate to the “Conversion” section. Click on “New Conversion” and enter the conversion details, including the conversion name and postback URL.

Step 6: Copy the S2S postback URL

  • In Voluum, go to the “Offers” tab and copy the “Global Postback URL”.

Step 7: Paste the Global Postback URL into Taboola

  • In your Taboola campaign settings, paste the Global Postback URL into the “Conversion Tracking URL” field.

Step 8: Launch your campaign

  • Launch your campaign and start driving traffic to your search arbitrage site. Voluum will track your conversions and send the data to Taboola via the S2S postback URL.
Voluum S2S Tracking Set Up with Taboola: How to Track Conversions?

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